Where the Money Gone

I think I have figured it out..!!! my money went to spa/salooooon..!!! oh so very vain..took days off from everything this weekend. So hari Ahad, unplanned pergi la ke my spa, The Face Affair @ Jusco Alpha Angle. dah laaama sangat tak pergi facial.

Pre-Premium Beautiful, Hane kena pergi facial every 2 weeks sebab kulit memang jenis oily and hormone imbalance --> BREAKOUTSS..!!!

Alhamdulillah..post-Premium Beautiful, kulit sudah sangat-sangat kurang berminyak and hormon pun stabil ---> regular period and no more breakouts..

OK, berbalik kepada hari Ahad ni...saje je la nak pergi facial sebab once in a month memang di-recommend pergi pun kan.

Trial Nano Gold Treatment = rm278

Nano Gold Facial Package x 5 times = rm1288 + free UV cream worth rm208 (yeay...jimat kan?? pat on my back..)

ooooh..then toner dah abes...amoi tu plak kata ada offer (sepanjang masa pergi ada offer pffftt...) by 3 get 1 item free

so i bought the Toner, Refining Serum, and Refining Cream = rm434 + free Cleanser worth rm106 (pat on my back again...hehe)

So..total, RM2000..!!! on 1 single visit

imagine I used to go every other week...!!! kalau tak sign up package pun mesti la ada macam-macam yg perlu untuk at home treatment..tapi sebab memang tak suka tak suka tak suka problem skin...*sighhhh*

"just nice number eh..hehe" kata amoi tu...bluekkk..iyela..duit aku..ahaks..but lucky for her, i find these items are necessity..

oh..! the facial is soo good, skin rasa flawless and lifted (or perasan sendiri) hukhuk, so bayar je la..

lucky for me, sekarang ni tak payah dah nak pk buat easy instalment on top of easy instalment so sampai bebila pun tak abes tu...hahaha.every month must clear all credit card..!!


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