en-hanze ur beauty


hihi..dr last week terpikir2 utk buat facial n etc tapi really dun know where n which place offer the best service. plus yg betul2 berkesan n value for money. before ni hana slalu terpikir mcm mana nnt kalau dah make up masa w-day pun tak dapat nak conceal sume cela2 di muka..hurmm..tak boleh nak salahkan MUA jugak kan? so, the solution is I have to rejuvenate my skin to be beautiful not only for the W-day but also to the later life la kan? hehe..jadi nanti suami pasti sayang..wakakaka..

so, ive done a little research and surveying n found out this 1 place. EN-HANZE medical aesthetic centre. why i mention this place? 1st of all..hana kalau boleh dun wanna go to a place that do regular facial which have extraction procedure..(huh..saket n nnt mgkin ada tggl kesan kat muka). hana taknak lah tambahkan parut baru, parut lama pun tak hilang lagi..so, New York ke, Cellnique ke hana tak nak try dah..kuikuikui..n for the 2nd reason, in En-hanze, they have a medical Doctor which is Dr. Sutina yg sgt baik..cepat je reply email saya on what is the cost n promotion that they had. n if they have a medical Dr yg pakar dlm aesthetic service, hana percaya lah jugak..takdelah merbahaya sgt kan. coz diorg ada buat laser treatment etc. so, reason yg lain2 uolls boleh tgk kat web page dia kat sini. n the best part is, Dr. Sutina pun ada blog tau..=)

Blogger Terhormat

haha..rasa macam funny jer title itu.. =) tapi saya suke! tak sangka plak saya boleh dapat penghargaan yg sebini rupe. mekaceh Iqa and Cik Belle kerana berikan penghormatan ini. saya sgt2 menghargai penghargaan yang anda berikan pada saya..

Taaaa Raaaaaaaaaaaaaa...inilah anugerah yang dianugerahkan pd SAYA..

As I have already received this award, i've been asked to spread it to 20 more bloggers that have an interesting blog, beautiful blog, informative blog and etc etc etc..hihi..So, here we go..The award goes to:

1. Yanie
2. Elmo
3. thezaila
4. Xora
5. Aweennye
6. farahfatihah
7. Opiya onel
8. Kay kamal
9. Miss X
10. Hola Reyna
11. rabitah hanim
12. Aim (i-is-miss-bride-to-be)
13. bitsandpieces
14. Mrs Aishiteru (2 better than 1)
15. Thalhazlin
16. Butterflyinframe
17. the white dress
18. chipshana
19. zielalala
20. Durruz

hihi..hope u all terima lah award ini dengan bangga yea.. =)

bunga clay + solemnization attire

hurmm..anda semua tahu ape itu bunga clay?mestilah tahu kan??ianya adalah bunga tanah liat. so, apa kena-mengena bunga tanah liat ni dgn wedding preps hana? hihi..actually, mama hana ni serupa lah mcm DIY queen. anything.. if she can do, she will keep insisting doing it till the last drop of sweat.hehe..so, terjadilah satu hari, mama hana pegi ke kelas buat bunga clay ni. dia pun dapat lah ilham untuk membuat bunga pahar and hiasan dulang hantaran for my wedding made from this clay flower..owh..masa itu, hana sgt meragui keupayaan nye..betul ke mama ni kan? but, its ok why not if she wanna tried (tp dlm hati ckp, "better it be perfect ye mama"). so, mama pun ada lah bawak balik contoh bunga clay yg dia buat. it was not that bad. ermm, oklah..hana pun fikir, ianya pun lain dr lain.selalu org guna bunga dip n reben2..so, why not I make a different with using this clay flower. so, InsyaAllah..bunga pahar n bunga telur tetamu VIP akan diperbuat dr bunga clay (n hiasan hantaran mestilah hana teringin nak fresh flower). hurm..so, settle for bunga pahar n bunga telur VIP. this week kena pegi beli alat untuk buat bunga clay coz mama nak start buat dr awal. harap2 takdelah berhabuk bersawang bunga clay ni nanti..huhu..

(bunga clay bentuknye lebih kurang gini ler..ini sy google)

N, juz for an update. Hana sudah pegi ke dzulldeclassique utk bgtau design n berapa meter kain n ape jenis kain perlu dibeli. so, secara kasar, dah dpt idea. hopefully dapat ler pegi beli kain this coming weekends..n hana ada tny price for baju melayu lelaki yg mcm kot tu. hurmm, harga not bad!! hasilkerja pun memuaskan..ini sy akan fikir2kan.

baju melayu tu ala2 mcm ni lah..nampak smart je kan?
source: here

I'm going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair

Konnichiwa こんにちは..

yes!! i am a big fan of Japanese movies and dramas (ya ya..including the heroes)..don't you (sebab itu nama pena saya hana yoriee)?hehe..Owh..n probably the handsomness of the heroes was a contribution of using Gatsby hair spray?? who knows?(yuhooo..hana start to babbling =p)..iklan sebentar..hihi..ok ok..back to the main point..

ohhh..takuya..kenapa cute sgt nih??

YES!! there's gonna be a Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair coming very sooon..Many exciting and happening activities awaits you there. so, now..first thing first! check ur organizer or calendar and mark this event on it! (see the details below)

Date: 17th April 2010
Time: 10am till 5pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.

alright, second thing that will make ur eyes widen. hehe..(kasi suspend sket)

Tadaaaaa....There are going to be lucky draws and various cool gadgets worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs! YES!! it was RM15,000 gadgets babe..anywho, who are sooo gadget maniacs , this will be a big chance for u dear..eyh..sesape yg bukan gadget maniac pun mesti mau gadget yg best2 bukan??hehe..

Doesn't this sounds tempting??hehe..

owh..that's not all..remember!! its a street fair..so, it will not be complete without exciting fun fair games on that day. List out by the organizer, there will be Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits!), gladiator battles and other amusing and addictive games you would expect at a fun-fair! hihi..dah macam main game dalam Ninja Warriors plak rasanye..tgk kat tv pun dah gelak guling2 inikan plak sendiri main..huhu.. =) definitely will be an exciting proramme plus it was a healthy activity too..kan?sooo..mari bakar lemak2 di badan..hehe =p

so..dare to play?!

For more info n irresistable + addictive games,do not hesitate to log on to this wbesites: www.gatsby.com.my/streetfair

Peterana indah tercipta


actually dah lama nak blog pasal benda ni..dr last week lg..tp tak kesampaian..hehe..ini lebih kureng mcm promo f.o.c la. hana mmg minat giller dgn magical touch from this team. n one of the tokey was my officemate..haha..tak sangka giller rupenya En. Arjunacipta ni duduk 1 opis dgn saya rupe2 nya..huhu..kalau ler dia bc blog saya ni..adeyh..malunye!! coz hana tak penah ler chit chat dgn dia. kawan hana yg 1 dept pun tak berkesempatan untuk borak2 ngan dia apatah lg hana..haha..tp dun worry, dia okey jer sebenarnya..tp masing2 segan kowt..hukhukhuk..okeyh, meh kite layan PETERANA indah sentuhan Arjunareans..

saya sgt suke yg ini..tp saya hanya mampu berangan jer..huhu..

yanie..tema awak kaler ini kan?

cake cutting gazebo yang cantiks..
source: arjuna cipta

so, sesape yg suke dgn sentuhan Mewah arjunareans ni boleh ler pegi ke sini..

mystery gift


hihi..hari nie Allah murahkan rezeki saya lagi..first, the cordial invitation for lunch n second after balik meeting terperasan 1 post from YANIE said I won a gift for the nikah dress suggestion..tak sangka yanie bersungguh2 nak berikan mystery gift ni pada hana.if tgk pada pertolongan hana yang tak seberapa ini..hihi..ape2 pun im willing to share anything that i know to any b2b.e.g. tips yg diturunkan pada saya personally saya akan cube spread the tips to others jugak.mcm mentor saya Cik XORA..dia byk bg tips (dun worry xora, secret will remain secret.)..hihi..

thanks for this gift YANIE.. (*_*)

update Vendor


Berbunga-bunga hati hana skrg..coz hana dapat juge ape yg hana impikan utk wedding hana..InsyaAllah..Thanks a lot Kak Ina (vendor for reception attire (L/P) and accessories + pelamin fresh flower+high table fresh flower+flower stand+Arch+red carpet)..Kak Ina bagi the best price and it was really affordable for me..hihi..Kak Ina punya butik selalu jugak masuk Majalah Pengantin. Baju2 dia byk dr Man Kajang. hihi..zaila pun ada test baju yg sama kan??hihi..sweet kan zaila??i like!

nnt hana upload pic hana testing2 baju kat butik dia..camera ngan adik hana plak..tp maybe hana tak pakai baju yg hana test power tu kot.nak mintak k.ina wat baju baru..boleh kan k.ina?? tp the best part is hana sgt2 menyukai high table deco yg k.ina buat kat kg.pengantin tu..adeyhlah..gorgeous n schuwwiiit giller..

Pelamin ala2 begini kot..InsyaAllah..

deko meja makan beradab probably wud be like this...suke giller deko dia..

award blogger chantique!


heeee...ramai b2b laen yg dah menang award nih..hana jer yg slow mcm siput sedut..tak perasan plak nama di tag by ELYA ELMO..teeheehee..thanks elya for this award! mcm menang Golden Globe plak..hahaha..sesekali rasa gitu pe salahnye..tak gitew?? =p

yeaa...verangan mcm ni..hehe..

7 things bout me, myself and I wud be (mcm dlm citer alice smlm plak.kena list 6 weird things b4 breakfast) :
i) i lurveeeeeee chocolate n fragrances
ii) i was so easy to shed tears..tgk tv pon boleh nanges teresak-esak wooo..
iii) i dream to have big cars, big money, big house n big hubby??haha..taklah..hana slalu doa agar dapat hidup bahagia dengan insan tersayang (kan dy? luv u soooo muchness)..
iv) i hate ppl that ruined others relationship! pls put them on H**L
v) hana suke pakai lens kaler2..there's 3-4 pair in my collection..hehe..(nak beli kaler ape lg yea?)
vi) hana sekarang tgh tuntut org yg hutang hana n tunang sum amount of money. n d wife plak ckp hana desak2 hubby dia? WTH kan??
vii) owh forgot! org selalu ckp yg sy ni suke ckp menggunakan suara yg manja2..hahaha..

ermm..that's all lah kot..hehe..ok now list down the next award winner:
2) aweennye
3) Yanie
4) cik fiza
5) Miss Shareeda
6) Ami Schaheera
7) hana (fairy garden)
8) hidayahnanichoco
9) Yuny's heartbeat
10) chipshana
11) relyza
12) opiya onel
ni jer lah kot..yg laen2 mcm dah di tag..hehe..CONGRATS!!

so, u just have to re-post back this award on ur blog..hehe..
1)thank n link the person that gave u the award.
2) pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think they're fantasatic
3) let them know they won the award
4) said 7things bout urself

candy n cake bar


its actually fascinating to see bright colors being used in wedding..hurmm..skrg ni byk majlis yang hana perasan dah ada desserts corner n all. ada yg letak choclate fountain sume..iskh..hana mmg sukelah wedding yg ada sediakan ini..SGT menyukai coklat2 ni.hehe..padahal claimed as a nutritionist..takpe..sket2 boleh jer makan..(sedapkan ati). tipu lah kalau uolls tak suke..hehe..betul tak?

tak ke uolls terliur tgk benda2 mcm ni? adeyhlaaa..

N sekarang ni ramai yg dah tambah selain dr chocolate fountain, diorg ada mcm candy bar/corner jgk..ini pun sgt menarik..tapi ITS A NO THING FOR DIABETIC PATIENT ok! hehe..sgt menarik bila hana terjumpa pic ini..ermm..this probably boleh dijadikan idea utk tambah 1 meja for this desserts corner. but, of course it will be limited..hehe..tak larat mak nak tanggung beli benda2 ni byk2 nok! haha..

menarik kan color dia?

ape uolls kata? best kan kalo kite tambah benda2 ni kat majlis kite? hehe..ia boleh menyerikan majlis jugak kan?

bestnye kalo dpt buat benda2 mcm ni? hehe
source: Style Me Pretty

DIY TQ tag


heee..hrni juz nak update pasal my DIY tq tag..try2 jer lah..taklah sehebat sifu2 di luar sana..hehe..tp at least ada sumthing yg hana try bikin dgn idea sendirik berbekalkan hny perisian yg cabuk..kuikuikui..

so, amacam?hehe..ni br 1st trial..nnt nak try yg lain lg..

n 1 more story, weekend hartu hana dpt 1 invitation to participate in this research run by 1 of the uni ler..ermm..beselah dpt invitation ni..but, yg plg best nye ialah the honorarium..the honorarium sgt MASYUK!! ni yg mata ada kuar simbol $ $. .ermm..prolly ni pon salah satu rezeki kawen..insyaAllah n alhamdullilah. invi ni hana dpt pun coz hana juz fill in one of this survey yg ingt takkan di update lgsng..tup tup dpt invi yg begitu best..tp slalunye kalo research kitorg slalu di advice to not put the price n gifts to the respondent..coz nnt diorg buat semata2 kerana nak benda2 ni kan?tp actually benda2 n wang2 ini lah yg menjadi pembakar semangat!! tak gitew uolls??hehe =D

2010 wedding trends

Salam n hello...

This post is actually to remind me of 2010 wedding trends that I MIGHT include in my wedding. i've got this info while reading an article from http://www.yourweddingcompany.com/. Maybe this article cud give ideas to others b2b.

2010 Wedding Trends

Wedding Dresses

Romantic, flowing dresses in floor-length styles remain popular. Brides today choose dresses with flowing, soft fabrics, ruffles, satin sashes (at the waist), and delicate floral details. Most dress silhouettes are refined and include the delicate overlaying of fabrics such as chiffon, tulle and lace. Gowns with crystal, cubic zirconia, and/or pearl embellished bodices are very popular at the moment.

The modified A-line skirt also remains prominent on the fashion runways (slim through the waist and flared at the bottom) although many designers have included ball gowns (for hana maybe this one is not suitable for malaysian..hehe) and tea-length styles in their lines as well. Strapless gowns are perennial favorites, but this season has brought back the off-the-shoulder look for brides who want to accentuate their neckline or draw attention to gorgeous jewelry. In the US, we are continuing to see color in wedding dresses which have been popular for some time internationally. Champagne, platinum and even black are currently popular (wow..this is unbelieavable!! dun they looked like grieving?).

Wedding Accessories

Shorter trains and veils are popular as are pretty boleros (yeah..boleros..), faux-fur wraps and shawls. For colder weather, brides choose wraps of faux-fur, velvet, heavy satin, or pashmina (ni tak payah lah..as we r not living in this cold climate). Light weight fabrics, including organza, lace, tulle and chiffon (yea..ini seswai), make perfect wraps for the Spring or Summer bride and reduce sun exposure on bare arms and shoulders.

Pearls, rhinestones, and crystals remain the top jewelry choice for necklaces and earrings. Crystal brooches are also a popular accent for wearing on the dress, in the hair or on the bouquet handle.

Wedding Hair Styles

There are no clear trends in hair styles, although wearing the hair in long romantic waves or loosely pulled back are popular choices for brides with long hair. Hair ornaments such as hairpins, brooches, and hair vines made with crystals, pearls, rhinestones, and/or silk flowers are also popular.

Beautiful tiaras and combs made with either rhinestones, crystals, or pearls have been the trend for many seasons and seem to be getting smaller as more crystal-embellished dress styles take center-stage. Some brides are placing their veils directly on their hair or using a single silk flower for a simple, classic look. Visit our hair gallery for hundreds of hairstyle ideas.

2010 Wedding Color Trends

The table below includes popular wedding color choices for the upcoming seasons:

Fall/Winter: deep red teal violet mocha sage

Spring/Summer: turquoise platinum coral pale yellow champagne

See more color schemes and inspiration.

Wedding Bouquets

Ninety five percent of wedding bouquets are hand-tied, where the flowers are gathered together and the stems are wrapped in wide satin ribbon. Brides wanting more glamorous bouquets choose beads, brooches, jewel pins, pearls, crystal/rhinestone picks, and monogrammed ribbon to dress up plain ribbon-wrapped stems and blooms. With the continuing popularity of the beach and garden themes, brides wanting a more rustic and natural look to their bouquet add elements such as shells/starfish, feathers, berries and pinecones.

The rose continues to be the most popular and elegant bouquet flower. Lilies, peonies, hydrangeas, tulips and orchids represent the trendier choices. Arrangements with a just-picked and looser casual look have replaced the more tightly-bound bouquet shapes of previous seasons. Vivid flower colors will continue in popularity.

More and more mothers are carrying small posies instead of wearing the traditional corsage. Silk flowers are also popular for their versatility and life-like appearance. Visit our extensive bouquet gallery for ideas and inspiration.

Wedding Reception Decorations

Brides are choosing centerpieces that are in the same color tones, but of different sizes. This gives the reception tables a more interesting look and a less "coordinated" feel. Unique vase fillers include glass marbles

, sea glass shells, acrylic ice, water absorbing crystals/beads, and fresh fruits such as lemons and limes.

Faux rose petals, diamond confetti and shells/starfish remain the most popular confetti. Also, flowering vines or individually cut flowers are placed directly onto table linens. Reception chairs are decorated with either tulle, fabric overlays, floral swags and/or ribbons. Other popular decorating items include Chinese lanterns, garlands and balloons. Disposable cameras, placed on each table, allow guests to capture candid moments.

An increasingly popular trend is the candy buffet or confection bar ( i personally like to have this!! its yummy!!). This consists of a variety of candies or treats placed in varied sizes of glass containers and grouped on a table. Pretty silver spoons or scoops in each container allows guests to fill small boxes or bags as take-home favors.

Bolts of economical tulle fabric are typically combined with white lights and/or floral garlands for draping between pews and decorating banisters and ceilings. Click for more tulle decorating ideas.

Candles, always a popular choice for centerpieces, lend a romantic feel to any room. Choices include pillars, tea lights, tapers and floaters. Since some facilities do not allow candles, alternatives include faux tea light candles, battery operated LED lights, and fiber optic lights.

Head tables are replaced with a small table for just the bride and groom. Many couples plan weekend weddings that start on Friday and go for the entire weekend. Dove releases and add drama and excitement to the event. Butterfly releases, despite the environmental issues, also remain popular.

Today's couples most often pay for their own weddings and make their own decisions about what they want for their wedding day. Using a budget calculator allows them to allocate their money and prioritize wants and needs. They want to enjoy a wedding that is uniquely theirs, and one that displays their own sense of style and personal taste. Personal touches appear throughout the entire wedding, and can be found in attire, favors, decorations, stationary, photography, themes, flowers, gifts, and locations.

Wedding Favors

Although completely optional, couples now opt for more unusual, useful, and personalized favors to thank their guests for coming. In many cases, the favors do double-duty as place-card holders, table decorations, and even centerpiece arrangements where larger favors are grouped together in the center of the reception tables.

Favors can be ready-made items, although currently less popular, or hand-made and embellished with ribbon and accents that coordinate with the wedding theme or color scheme. This is definitely an area of weddings that has gone DIY in recent months.

Wedding Transportation

Limousines, exotic cars, and horse-drawn carriages are top picks for wedding transportation. More unconventional choices include motorcycles, horses, two-person bikes, hot-air balloons, and sleighs.

Wedding Themes

Currently, the top wedding themes are "beach", "garden", "winter wonderland", "vintage glamour", "woodland/rustic", and "Tiffany Blue" (aqua) and "sparkling diamonds." Destination and ethnic-influenced celebrations also remain popular choices. See more theme choices.

wedding shoes!!


wokeyh..di sini hana nak promote sket on wedding shoes..maybe b2b skrg dah tak maen pakai wedding shoes yg ada songket or old school covered shoes lg kan? hehe..kebetulan smlm kalo tak silap jmp 1 of this blog yg ada provide wedding shoes yg cantik2..personally mmg minat dgn kasut2 bawah label ni..cube tgk kasut2nya:

lacey shoes..cantikkan??

Source: http://whitelabelshoes.blogspot.com/

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