award blogger chantique!


heeee...ramai b2b laen yg dah menang award nih..hana jer yg slow mcm siput sedut..tak perasan plak nama di tag by ELYA ELMO..teeheehee..thanks elya for this award! mcm menang Golden Globe plak..hahaha..sesekali rasa gitu pe salahnye..tak gitew?? =p

yeaa...verangan mcm ni..hehe..

7 things bout me, myself and I wud be (mcm dlm citer alice smlm plak.kena list 6 weird things b4 breakfast) :
i) i lurveeeeeee chocolate n fragrances
ii) i was so easy to shed tears..tgk tv pon boleh nanges teresak-esak wooo..
iii) i dream to have big cars, big money, big house n big hubby??haha..taklah..hana slalu doa agar dapat hidup bahagia dengan insan tersayang (kan dy? luv u soooo muchness)..
iv) i hate ppl that ruined others relationship! pls put them on H**L
v) hana suke pakai lens kaler2..there's 3-4 pair in my collection..hehe..(nak beli kaler ape lg yea?)
vi) hana sekarang tgh tuntut org yg hutang hana n tunang sum amount of money. n d wife plak ckp hana desak2 hubby dia? WTH kan??
vii) owh forgot! org selalu ckp yg sy ni suke ckp menggunakan suara yg manja2..hahaha..

ermm..that's all lah kot..hehe..ok now list down the next award winner:
2) aweennye
3) Yanie
4) cik fiza
5) Miss Shareeda
6) Ami Schaheera
7) hana (fairy garden)
8) hidayahnanichoco
9) Yuny's heartbeat
10) chipshana
11) relyza
12) opiya onel
ni jer lah kot..yg laen2 mcm dah di tag..hehe..CONGRATS!!

so, u just have to re-post back this award on ur blog..hehe..
1)thank n link the person that gave u the award.
2) pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think they're fantasatic
3) let them know they won the award
4) said 7things bout urself


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