en-hanze ur beauty


hihi..dr last week terpikir2 utk buat facial n etc tapi really dun know where n which place offer the best service. plus yg betul2 berkesan n value for money. before ni hana slalu terpikir mcm mana nnt kalau dah make up masa w-day pun tak dapat nak conceal sume cela2 di muka..hurmm..tak boleh nak salahkan MUA jugak kan? so, the solution is I have to rejuvenate my skin to be beautiful not only for the W-day but also to the later life la kan? hehe..jadi nanti suami pasti sayang..wakakaka..

so, ive done a little research and surveying n found out this 1 place. EN-HANZE medical aesthetic centre. why i mention this place? 1st of all..hana kalau boleh dun wanna go to a place that do regular facial which have extraction procedure..(huh..saket n nnt mgkin ada tggl kesan kat muka). hana taknak lah tambahkan parut baru, parut lama pun tak hilang lagi..so, New York ke, Cellnique ke hana tak nak try dah..kuikuikui..n for the 2nd reason, in En-hanze, they have a medical Doctor which is Dr. Sutina yg sgt baik..cepat je reply email saya on what is the cost n promotion that they had. n if they have a medical Dr yg pakar dlm aesthetic service, hana percaya lah jugak..takdelah merbahaya sgt kan. coz diorg ada buat laser treatment etc. so, reason yg lain2 uolls boleh tgk kat web page dia kat sini. n the best part is, Dr. Sutina pun ada blog tau..=)


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