salasilah percintaan..


hihi..mekaseh rose sbb tag hana kali ni.. =) so, inilah jawapan2 yg ditanya dlm tag tu..sumenya menjerumus ke arah soalan asal-usul percintaan kami..=)

1. First time jumpa your hubby (oppss..hubby ke? belom lagi..harap maklum) bila dan kat mana?
jumpa dia kat depan rumah hana..dia tu dulu jiran depan rumah hana je skrg tidak lagi..huhu..saya dah berhijrah tp dia masih tggl di situ..

2. Love at first sight?
huh..rasanye tak kot..haha..dulu budak2 mana reti love at first sight ni..wakaka..

3. Who is he when the 1st time you met him?
a 10 years old boy..could uolls imagine? dengan comot, nakal, pendek..hehe..*sorry dy*

4. How long it takes for him to ask you out for a date?
uishh..lama seyh..after i've lost contacted with him almost 2years n he decided to propose me as a girlfriend after we had finished our, kiralah bape tahun..hahaha..

5. First place dating?
haha..tempat yg takdelah class mana..setiap kali pun pegi situ jugak masa lepas spm..haha..kat Seremban parade..agagaga..

6. How he proposed?
in the sms..n while he drove me back after dating.. dgn ayat bunga2 dia tu lah sambil merenung tepat ke anak mata mmg jarang nak dengar dia ckp romantik2 la..

7. Special date with your hubby?
banyak ni..haha..tgk je lah kat ticker tu..hehehe..

8. Changes that he asked you to do?
dia slalu suruh saya belajar masakan mak dia..uwaaa..habeslah..

9. What is about him that you love so much?
everything..we didn't need a reason to love the person we love the most..right?

10. What is about him that you wish he would change?
hehe..perut muncit dia tu..*ceyh..ckp mcm perut saya tak muncit* ekekeke..

11. You will lose your mind and crack your head when his..
on board..sailing!! aduh..seminggu tak cakap telefon boleh jadi tak tentu arah tau..

12. You will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he....
said he will be there for me the rest of my life..ouch..touching..

13. Complete below sentences,
"Your love towards your hubby is as big as..
nothing to compare with..there is no such measurements to measure my love towards him..hope for eternity.. an endless and everlasting love...kan dy? =D"


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