wedding rings and bracelet??


hye, how's ur weekend? i had a tiring but a definitely an exciting weekend. hihi..dapat jumpa yanie and we managed to reached at aim's wedding on sunday..phewwww...sesat barat kitorg..hahaha..tapi apa2 pun alhamdulillah sampai jugak kite kan yanie? best dapat jumpa u time kite mesti jumpe lagi k? =) anyway..SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU AIM & SUFIAN.

so, actually..i do have few questions laa..about the wedding ring and bracelet all this gold thingy..I would love to know where to find this affordable gold thingy laa??? I mean, any suggestion..bukan tak tau, benda2 ni leh carik kat kedai emas..tapikan ada tak sesiapa yang tahu tempat2 yang boleh dapat best deal ke??Yea la kan..kalo dpt info lebih leh la kite bersedia for ring hunting nnt..hehe..for me, its not all couple’s can afford the spectacularly steeply-priced wedding ring sets that are recommended as the trendiest and most attractive. huhu..

so, sesape yg dah beli cincin tak kisah la for bride or grooms..leh tak share ngan hana di mana n range harganye..boleh bantu B2B lain juge..mekaseh sume yea.. =)

i heart a lotttt this kind of bracelet (p/s: that are made by gold definitely)!!
if anyone know any info on this kind of bracelet, i would love to know more..


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