Husband Satisfaction Guarantee

These past few days,my husband asyik puji my new body shape. Oh a lil intro, currently, we are on long distance relationship. Dia ade posting di UK for 6 months.

So back to the story, while he's away, Hane pun start la diet bagai nak rak. Itu yang sampai beli Herbalife for 6 months consumption. But the results not so impressive.

Posting 3 weeks kat Miri, siap exercise semua. Hubby sampai cakap "jangan kurus sangat, nanti shape tak lawa"

Adoi.. Nak fikir turunkan berat badan, nak fikir jaga shape badan. And the sad thing is berat nya tak turun pun. Gerammmmm...!!!!!

But Alhamdulillah, lepas pakai PB ni, berat start turun, body re-shaping rak payah cakap la. The transformation is instantaneous. So, beberapa hari ini asyik enjoy husband puji my body shape followed by ayat-ayat yang kurang sesuai di sini. Hehe.

Siap tanya "apa rahsianya....." hahahaha..tapi so far dia masih tak tahu ini semua dengan pertolongan PB. Saja taknak beritahu, just to keep some mysterious-ness in the relationship.

OK, thats all for now. Heard that PB also do wonders in EhemEhem section. I'll take my husband testimonial once he's back :p


Those interested for further Premium Beautiful inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am one happy customer..!!


019 621 0521


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