Premium Beautiful Latest Promo..!

hello gorgeous L&G,

after a lonnnnng~ hiatus on Premium Beautiful promo,
I would like to give a lil PROMO ..

Just plain CHEAP Premium Beautiful price for you

how cheap? can save a lot for raya :p

contact me at 0196210521 or 
to find out..!

oh, actually this promo comes with free PB wash too =)

bridal bedroom list and ideas


huh..lama betul tak berblogging. ampun!, mcm mana dgn persiapan B2B utk bilik pengantin? dah cat dinding? dah beli cadar? haaa..ok, sini hana list down kan beberapa barang yg perlu ada utk bridal bedroom anda. =)

Haruslah ada:

1. Bed, pillows and good mattress for both of u to feel the romanticness.. =p hehe
2. Dresser and Mirror utk si isteri mencantikkan diri utk si suami
3. Chest utk letak table lamp..table lamp penting tau..haha
4. Closet..pandai2 lah nnt korg bahagikan bahagian mana utk suami bhgn mana utk isteri
5. Carpet
6. Curtains
7. Bed sheet and comforter set
8. Air-condition
9. Chandelier
10. Props utk mencantikkan bilik such as lantern, scented candles, crystal vase, fresh flowers.
11. Paint/Wallpaper (sila pilih theme kaler utk bilik anda)

Dan lain2 benda mengikut citarasa dan budget anda =)

Di sini hana paparkan beberapa contoh bedroom set yg sejuk mata memandang..

hana suka color dia..nampak suci je =)

purple..auww..dia pny wall paper cantek laa..

peminat pink mesti suka ni kan? hahaha

haaaa..ini lain drp lain..kalau berani, CUBALAH! hahaha..

Dah Kaya? Getting There…

Q1: Kau dah kaya keeeee..???
Q2: Bila nak pakai beemdoubleuuuu..???
Q3: Bila nak resignnnnnn…???
Ahaks, these are the most frequent questions from my “friends”.
Insya-Allah, insya-Allah, insya-Allah is all I can say. Terima kasih banyak-banyak mendoakan kejayaan dan kesenangan hidupku ini ye.
When I started doing  Premium Beautiful biz, what were my targets?
1. nak pakai set Premium Beautiful PERCUMA…TICKED
2. nak recover modal…TICKED, achieved within 2 weeks
3. nak paid off credit card debts (~17k++)…Alhamdulillah, settled dah hutang credit card
4. nak free travel ke Hong Kong for two…TICKED, and dapat qualified kan another 4 tixs for my biz partners juga
Then…. there’s not on the list
5. purchased of my first home, Saville @Melawati which costs me rm40k for deposit.
So, whats next?
6. maintain zero balance credit card while still enjoying nice food, nice clothes, pampering here n there etc…I require at least extra rm1.5k per month to do that. Ini tak kira raya..*sigh*
7. shopping money at Hong Kong, rm10k à dh ready. weehuuu..:)
8. Alhamdulillah rumah dah siap and I need $$$ for some reno and deco of master bedroom approx rm18k.
9. Build emergency fund, increase saving, investments...approx rm3k per month.
10. berbakti ke jalan Allah (cewah..) e.g. bagi parents/wedding gift/newborn gift/duit raya/help friends & families in need
So to simply answer Qs #1, NO, tak kaya duit ribu-ribu dlm bank and still far from it. But I’m not stress financially and I get to spend live as I wish without having to be secretive about my credit card balance financial status with my husband.
Q #2, Change car? Frankly, I don’t have enough cash to pay the deposit…..yet. And looking at necessity in life that keeps coming e.g. target #8 and #9, this might have to be put on hold just a lil while.
and Q #3, resign?? Why?? I don’t LOVE my job but I don’t HATE it too, I don’t remember bitching about it all the time (sometime yes la..who doesn’t?). Btw, it pays good money which could easily cover my bills. And it comes with epf and good medical benefits too (etho even if I resign I still could enjoy the medical benefit  on my husband’s account haha)..YES, memang ada plan to resign, even before starting this Premium Beautiful biz… just there is no rush to it. Currently, I’m ok with my job, I like my boss, I like my colleagues.
So that’s about it. I have my priorities (well, hannan will def alter the list and budget after he read this, aaahhh the joy of married life :p)
Anyhow, for someone yang started the biz with zero, actually minus and in deep shit..i’m content and happy yet still striving still for the best. Teruskan mendoakan kekayaan kejayaan Hane ye..:)

Saville @Melawati, my very own..!

Alhamdulillah.... is all i can say after Hannan successfully paksarela myself bought a service apartment. My first home! Oh my very own..! (bayar pun sendiri la ye..) 

My option for assets e.g. #1 Chanel handbag OR #2 Change to Continental Car was not even taken into consideration. there goes communication in relationship, pffftttt...

Yet, i am all excited now..(berkat dengar cakap suami..Amin) guess this asset will keep me excited until at least 2013, reading the progress of the house, decorating and renovating plan, check the current market price and some more many many many more years to pay for the mortgage + maintenance fee, pheww~ wish me luck!

Promo Poster
This is from the showroom..Type A

i bought type A..1253 sqft <3
the other not so cool type (joking..!!!) Type B and Type C
 and some more interesting info on Saville @ Melawati

#1 prefer KL-view..? prepare extra rm20k

#2 enjoy higher view? the price increase by rm2k for each level

Couple Seat, Extra RM4 for...

Wow..first time cuba try test couple seat ni last week..this seat sure soOoo comfy, and the privacy factors boleh membuatkan para muda mudi marah married couple macam kami sibuk nak beli seat ini.. tengok la siap ade penghadang kiri kanan annnnd in between seat kan ade space, haa...this couple seat siap ade macam headbord sekali..isk isk

memang selesa but among the romance killer 

No 1: i complaint tak cukup tempat nak letak food, 1 dh letak air, 1 dh letak sweetcorn, mana nak letak popcorn and air #2..? so instead of pegang tangan geli-geli, 1 tangan i pegang popcorn, 1 tangan i sumbat popcorn dalam mulut...rupa-rupa nya Ida kata boleh turunkan handrest kat tengah-tengah tu.ahaks. but i like my solution better..hehe

No 2: selesa..yesss...privacy yesss...these two factors la buatkan orang tu buat mcm rumah sendiri. kaki dengan selesanya naik atas kerusi landed atas peha bini dia juga..seb baik sejuk dalam cinema tu, kalau tak ade dh adegan buka baju pakai kain pelekat je :p

No 3: we watched Fast 5..OMG, best sangat cerita ni..!!! i did not blink and the popcorn keep pumping into my mouth.

So no time to geli sana-sini..ahaks..but after the movie ended, i thot, ooohh rugi RM4.."awak, gimme a kiss" and there went quick one on my lips

black and white hantaran


Hana nak kongsikan beberapa hasil hantaran yg bertemakan hitam putih. Mungkin boleh memberi inspirasi kepada sesiapa yg mahukan hantaran tema hitam putih =)

Choc cake balls and fondant cupcakes courtesy from Sedapsedapbelaka. Kalau nak order boleh la email ke Sedapsedapbelaka boleh sediakan kek dan choc berserta dgn hiasan gubahan hantaran.

Flavour of the month - Burt's Bees

Burt's Bees product finally in so much good reviews about this brand in magazines, last Thursday, when i saw Burt's Bees outlet in KLCC, i went ahead and "check" it out. 

Niat di hati nak beli moisturiser sahaja, but since hannan tgh asar..wahhh, i got 15 mins of shopping time all by myself so i did some speed shopping sebab nak dpt qualify membership. and now i have tons of membership card on my wallet. bleurghhh.. anyhow so far, am happy with the product, but i'll give details review later ok.

i'm thinking to try out their shampoos..

Theme/Concept: PARTY WEDDING


Sejak topik ini keluar di WHI lagi nak update pasal topik ini kat blog. tapi disebabkan Blogger under maintenance tak dapat nak update sepantas kilat..huhu..

ok..Actually utk Party Wedding ini simple aje kalau nak buat. Ada yg kata boleh jimatkan kos..ada yg kata menambahkan kos..jd terpulang mcm mana kita yg akan allocate budget itu nanti.

konsep ini hanya perlukan beberapa elemen sahaja..sebab dia lebih kepada konsep santai. Mengikut tetamu jemputan WHI iaitu Dear Azalea, client mereka selalu buat di rumah dgn konsep sebegini sebab nak lebih merasai intimacy dgn guest dan pengantin boleh mingle around dgn guests.

ini snapshots dr Dear Azalea utk elemen PARTY WEDDING:

photobooth corner..

candy buffet..

Mengikut Dear Azalea, budget utk party wedding utk elemen2 di atas for 100pax price nya lebih kurang, u do the math k? hehehehe..

Selain Dear Azalea, ramai lagi vendor yg boleh buat candy buffet and photobooth. Contohnya SedapSedapBelaka utk dessert buffet and photoboothcorner utk photobooth sekali dgn canvas printing. Harga sume boleh suit ikut bajet pelanggan =)

Manakala, utk dress pengantin pula, tetamu jmptn WHI kata boleh buat chiffon dress empire cut yg simple dgn perincian manik @ pearl. Dlm WHI, menunjukkan dress chiffon layered empire cut yg sgt simple yet elegant! boleh check it out dkt website dia.

itu shj yg diorg discuss for party wedding..kalau nak tambah pelamin maybe akan tambah cost lah kan? hohoho..

Free Holiday to Hong Kong

Wah,bahang ke Hong Kong makin terasa~ Excited..!!!

Ini first time travel w package. So far best..haha, sebabbbb tak risau with itenaries, logistic, accomodation, food & ticket for sightseeing/parks e.g DISNEYLAND..!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Premium Beautiful, Welcome Biz Partners

Salam All,

Please welcome my new Premium Beautiful franchises.

SO untuk mendapatkan FREE personal measurement and fitting, boleh la call these PB experts near you..!

Shah Alam
Shafini @ 017 915 1121

Suraya @ 017 352 5254

Imma @ 012 580 1346

Dayabumi/Jalan Kuching
Ira @ 013 835 8585

Afzan @ 012 988 6535

do not hesitate to contact us ok..!! u deserve the best service for your money.

Hane @ 019 621 0521

Celebrity inspired wedding/engagement rings


Hi everybody..amacam weekend setakat ini? hehe..hana boring ni..sementara hubster basuh kereta, baik hana update blog ni jap. =p

wokeyh..kali ni nak cerita pasal wedding/engagement rings. hana ada terbaca kat BBF (kat FB group) yg bertanyakan, if bukan diamond seketul tapi ada byk diamond keliling cincin tu dah tak nampak eksklusif ke? haaaa..disini ada jawapannye..eceyh..mcm jwb soalan ape je kan.

ok..hana tak pandai nak cerita pasal 4C yg pasal diamonds tu. tp hana cuma nak cerita pasal design cincin sahaja yea. ok, meh hana bg pendapat hana mengenai pertanyaan tadi. dulu, mmg lah amat tersohor dengan cincin Solitaire diamond ni. yg cincin nye hanya ada sebiji batu besar ditengah cincin..eyh, jgn salah anggap..skrg pun masih mendapat tempat. hikss..

contoh solitaire ring

tapi sekarang, sejak dua-menjak ini..ape yg hana perhatikan..byk design yg bukan solitaire menjadi pilihan celebrity malahan Kate Middleton pon pakai cincin batu sapphire blue yg dikelilingi diamond. hah, this trend is coming back!!! so, kalo org dolu2 yg pakai cincin kahwin batu kaler biru ke merah ke..jgn terasa anda sudah tak in trend! tetapi skrg dah trend balik dah..sbb kate punya pasal..mmg akan jadi EKSKLUSIF punya cincin, dun worry..hahahaha

kate middleton engagement ring

meh tgk cincin2 celebrity lain..

source: HERE

haaa..kan ramai celeb yg pakai cincin byk batu.. so, dun worry uolls..(byk batu=lebih mahal kan?) hahahahaha..tak kisah lah ada batu satu or byk batu..yg penting kahwin tanpa hutang yea..hiksss.. =p

tata titi tutu..

Kisah seorang HERO


phewwww..penat mak kebelakangan ni dik nun pon nak update blog curi2 masa and berebut2 dgn suami nak guna lappy..huhu..takde lah kisah menarik sgt yg hana nak update kat sini..tapi saje nak coret kat sini sbb kisahnye mencuit hati..hahahaha..ceritanya begini..

Pada suatu pagi, si lelaki ini pergilah ke kedai utk beli ikan siakap. nak pegi beli kat supermarket sbb tak dpt mancing ikan duk kat bandar perempuan ni pun tggu lah laki dia ni balik.."awat lama benar laki aku ni pegi beli ikan?" katanya di dalam hati..pot pet pot pet dah ni..

tggu punya tggu..laki ni pun pulang..mak laki ni pon ckp. "apa kau beli ni bang?" abg pun bawak turun takde pon seekor ikan dlm plastik perempuan ni pon keluarlah nak tgk ape laki dia ni shopping td..sekali mak mertua dia ckp, "hah, tgk laki ko ni bawak balik burung plak". perempuan ni dah terkebil2..burung amenda plak..nak buat makan ke ape? kata bini nya dlm hati mertua perempuan ni selalu makan makanan eksotik. makan rabbit la, landak la, rusa la..tu yg ingt, takkan mggu ni makan burung plak kan? HAHAHAHAHAHA...

sekali keluar..alahai! cik abang tgh duk usap burung kecik tu..ntah ape nama dia..burung mina ke milna ayah laki tu ckp..rupa2 nya ada kisah disebaliknya. si lelaki tu on the way nak pulang ke rumah lepas frust tak dapat cari ikan siakap. masa bawak motor tu dia ternampak ada kereta TERlanggar burung ni tadi. laki ni pun bawak je lah motor cam biasa..tapi hati dia tak sedap. kasihan kat burung itu..terdetik dlm hati dia. sbb terasa belas kat burung ni td, dia pun patah balik kat tempat burung tu kena langgar..terkepek2 burung tu berjalan. cepat2 laki ni lari ambil burung tu letak dlm motor dia.bila dah smpi tepi jalan, sebuah kereta lalu sambil membunyikan hon kepada lelaki ini..sambil menunjukkan isyarat tangan "thumbs up". hehehehe..ecehhh..kembang kmpis hidung laki bukan kerana glamer yg mmg ikhlas nak bantu burung kocik tu..

gambar sebenar..bukan gambar hiasan..muahahahaha =p

dibawanya balik..diusap2..dibagi burung tu mkn dan minum..tapi apekan daya..nyawa burung tu tak panjang..esoknya burung tu pun meninggal..huhuhu...

rupanya itulah kisah seorang HERO..eceh..korg jgn muntah tau..dia ni hero di mata hana sbb sanggup menyelamatkn seekor nyawa yg tak bersalah..hiksss..siapakah si hero ini??? biarlah RAHSIA..hahahahaPoyo lak aku..sape yg ada FB hana tau lah citer ni..kuikuikui..

Premium Beautiful Testimonial - Body Shaping

YES, wearing Premium Beautiful will INSTANTLY re-shape your body
YES..continuosly wearing Premium Beautiful will retain the shape even after you take off the corset

thank you to my biz partner, Wafa & Mash for sharing this testimonials

+6019 6210521 | Hane Hassan |

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