Chlorella and Pregnancy

Semasa mula mengandung, madam Lam syorkan Hane ambil Chlorella sebagai supplement, supaya kulit anak cantik dan otak cergas.. BUT hanya ambil selepas habis 1st trimester. So, Hane memang percaya bulat-bulat je kat madam Lam ni, terus beli, lepas 1st trimester terus amalkan.

Nak comment pasal kulit anak cantik and otak cergas tu, still berdoa lagi la kan..(ooh I’m 5 months now btw ;)) BUT yang paling best…!!! Selepas disahkan mengandung, masa itu kandungan sudah 5 minggu, Hane pun stop la pakai PB, dan selepas itu, memang masalah constipation kembali. Tapi bila start ambil Chlorella ini, setiap hari pembuangan memang lancar. Teringat zaman makan minum Melilea dahulu.. tapi bezanya Chlorella dating in pills, senang la nak telan.

Bila tiada masalah constipation, masalah kulit kusam dan perut sebu pun selesai juga. tapi, baru-baru ini baru terfikir nak Google, boleh ke ambil Chlorella masa pregnant? Erkkk…
Ini beberapa artikel menarik tentang Chlorella

-          > Chlorella contains more chlorophyll than most plants, along with an impressive array of vitamins and minerals (A, D, E, K1, beta carotene, lutein, B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc)
-          > A Japanese study with healthy pregnant women found that taking 6,000 mg of chlorella per day during pregnancy significantly reduced the amount of dioxins in breast milk compared to controls (a 40% reduction). Additionally, the study also showed an added immune benefit in that the sIGA of women taking chlorella was higher in their breast milk – meaning their children got better quality immune support

-          > Chlorella is rich in folic acid, an important nutrient lacking in the typical Western diet, but which is necessary in early pregnancy to prevent birth defects. Chlorella rids the body of impurities and restores the vitality of nursing women who often become fatigued from the drain of vitamins and minerals as the result of short or long-term nursing. Every pregnant woman is encouraged to increase her intake of iron, and most doctors prescribe iron pills, but chlorella improves hemoglobin levels more quickly and efficiently than iron pills

    > The property of detoxifying poisoning substances from the accumulation of toxins in the body is one of the important differences between chlorella and other "green" wholefoods. In turn, the detoxification of harmful materials also means stimulation of the liver functions  

     > Chlorella's fibrous material stimulates and gradually strengthens the intestinal lining, promotes normal peristalsis and eventually eliminates constipation. Chlorella also multiplies by four times the number of healthy bacteria - such as lactobacillus, streptococci and bididofidus - in the intestinal micro flora, therefore greatly improving digestion and constipation problems. Symptoms such as abdominal bloating and flatulence due to gas, foul smelling gas and stools fermenting within the system, sluggish feelings and sagging spirits would be shortly alleviated and eliminated as the peristalsis is strengthened.
> The assimilation of nutrients is improved, invigorating both the body and mind. Having a great digestion after every meal should be the only way to live! Cleansing the bowel and colon, combined with a healthy diet are the key determining factors to an optimum weight control, anti-aging health program.
Oh, selamat sahaja amalkan Chlorella untuk pregnant & fact memang bagus pun untuk detoxifying. dont worry, Chlorella does not take heavy metals out of your bloodstream and/or your fat cells and therefore possibly re-destribute them to your baby as other detox chemicals might. Instead, chlorella BINDS (basically creates clumps) to these heavy metals in your intestines and gut from food that you have just eaten, and so you basically expel them in faeces and urine as opposed to having them absorbed into your bloodstream, as they would normally.
Ini rupa pill chlorella itu, ambil 10 biji setiap hari…kecil je sebenarnya, and lagi senang nak telan daripada minum air rumput. 

Alhamdulillah, kulit pun tiada masalah sejagat. dan doa-doakan kandungan selamat, sihat dan sempurna..+kulit cantik, +otak cergas

P/S: supplement yang doc bagi Hane ambil juga ye, termasuklah folic acid, Pramilet, Calcium Lactate.


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