Harris Wildan Birthday Party Catered by Sedapsedapbelaka


haa..sebelum Ramadhan menjelang tiba baik hana post pic2 makanan yg super lazat ni dulu..hahaha..Last weekend on saturday di Nilai Impian, kami (pihak SSB&saudara-mara) bertungkus-lumus menyipakan persiapan Birthday party Harris Wildan yang ke-3 tahun. Mama and I dr awal minggu dah prepare cookies utk doorgift and buat slow2 yang lain2.

Selection menu oleh Abang boy and Kak Helwa adalah seperti berikut:

Buffet Section (200-250pax):
1. Bihun goreng
2. Drummet
3. Sausage
4. nugget
5. Mayo & thousand island
6. Salad sticks
7. Satay ayam & daging berserta sambal & kuah kacang

Satay sedap laku ptg tu..


Dessert and Cake section:
1. 3kg Red Velvet Cake (Sedapsedapbelaka Best Seller of course done by urs truly! =p)
2. 3kg Choc Brownies cake
3. Choc cupcakes
4. Banana Cupcakes
5. Strawberry cupcakes
6. Cupcakes with Thomas edible image
7. Dadih
8. Watermelon basket (done by SuperMak!)
9. Fruits
10. Egg and Tuna sandwiches

#all cupcakes in Total was 200pcs.

sempat buat label gini aje dalam frame..hihi..

thomas cupcakes becoz birthday boy fanatic fan of thomas & friends..

sweety cupcakes with variety of flavors.. (org ramai ckp syg nak makan sbb comel sgt..huhu)

Dessert and cake section

setting b4 majlis..

phewwww..penat I tell u! tapi berbaloi bila org dtg ambil berulang-kali ke meja buffet terutama RED VELVET. bayangkan 1 person boleh dtg 4-5 kali utk amek beberapa slices RVC. hehe..seronok tgk! =)

2nd served for the cake..1/2 gone! hihi..

mainan utk kanak2 yg disediakan tuan rumah..

this is the first time Sedapsedapbelaka handle and catered such party. tuan rumah sgt suka and dia mengatakan it was more than what she's expected! yeah!! itu yg kami rasa syukur sgt..alhamdulillah. next round maybe should maximize on the deco part. yg party Harris mmg tuan rumah tak minta to deco..so, juz minimalis on deco but luxurious selection on foods. weeeeeeee...

Lastly, bg lah kami berdua enter frame kan? =p

p/s: malam ni jom mengaum habis-habisan!! Go Harimau Malaya!!

Gambar ihsan: Muhammad Hajidi.. =) thanks GD and Dayah..


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