Reno Deco and Loan

Taken from New World, Bintulu hotel lounge. Cantik tak? I'm in the midst of renovating and decorating our home. Thot of putting one of the wall like this..

Cakap pasal nak masuk rumah..pheww~ ingatkan kahwin/wedding mahal kan?? Ini lagi mahal..kalau takde rm60k cash..well, boleh la..masuk rumah alas tikar getah tapi kalau nk selesa + hotel inspired..sila saving dari sekarang.

No wonder selalu dengar orang buat loan untuk renovate rumah. Loan kahwin dah settle? Kalau buat dengan maybe boleh buat-buat lupa je la kan, or minta halal..hehe.

Alhamdulillah, kami kahwin guna duit sendiri tanpa perlu guna atau buat personal loan at bank..and nak masuk rumah pun dah ada some cash put aside.

and with PB biz, i can finally contribute financially to the family. at least part nak travel every year is taken care of, kan? We had a blast in Hong trip is to Holland+Belgium woot woot..Or the very least, Hane fikir, kalau nak shopping tu tak payah la nak kacau family fund dah kan?

Oh dont get me wrong, etho hane pun bekerja, well gaji pun ok juga la.. tak contribute pun to the "family fund". ALL family expenses and bills mmg husband yang bayar, but i'm just thinking, if not contributing, i dont want to be a burden with desires and demands. But nama pun perempuan kan...panjang sungguh list kemahuaan kita tu. (itu yang susah nak contribute tu :p) Kalau bukan untuk diri sendiri, untuk suami juga. And yang ada anak, untuk anak-anak kan?

Ok,how come dari reno deco sampai ke sini. I better stop now. Actually i have to stop sbb flight attendant dah jeling..bye-bye

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